case study

Streamlining NHS System with Oxyleas NHS Handbook

Healthcare Industry, Management system
UX/UI design, Mobile app development
problem statement
Streamlining Healthcare Documentation with Oxleas NHS Handbook
Oxleas NHS Handbook emerged from a crucial need to fix the National Health Service's document chaos. The existing system lacked cohesion, making it hard to find and access vital information. Documents were scattered, unlinked, and unindexed, causing frustration and inefficiency in information retrieval. The pressing issue highlighted the demand for a streamlined and organised solution.
Carte blanche’s mission

Streamlining Operations and Revitalising Brand Image

To create a sophisticated document management system that provided a seamless experience for users on a day-to-day basis. We focused on meticulous categorization and data management, streamlining the document retrieval process and making it effortless to navigate, search, and access information
  • Standardise, consolidate and categorize data
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing

Consolidate and streamline vast amounts of documentation, SoPs, static forms, and scheduling procedures.

Framing the Problem
Establishing Boundaries and Scope
Session 01

We had an online meeting with the team at NHS. On the other end of the line was a frantic voice, explaining the challenges they were facing in their day-to-day activities.

"We have so much documentation and so many forms, It's overwhelming for our doctors & staff to navigate through all of it. We need a solution that can simplify access to critical information."

Session 02
We set out to find the answers to the following questions
  • What is the current system they are utilizing?
  • Is this issue unique to a specific department, or does it impact all staff across the entire organization?
  • Are there any legal or regulatory requirements that must be met in the onboarding process?
  • Are there any specific guidelines or reference materials that can help in creating a logical structure for their data?
Session 03
We sat with the trainee doctors and other staff at the hospital to get a closer look at the problem. During these discovery interviews, we were able to identify key pain points and mapped user profiles to represent the range of users. This painted a clear picture of their demographics, psychographics, needs, and wants.
As days morphed into weeks and weeks into months, the strain began to show, not just on Ismael's vision but on tangible, unforgiving realities:
  • Uncategorized Static Forms: The absence of a systematic filing system makes it challenging to sort and access forms efficiently, creating inefficiencies in document management.
  • Disconnected SOP Forms: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) forms operate in isolation, lacking integration and coordination. This disconnect hampers workflow efficiency and cohesion.
  • No Central Repository for Data: The current system lacks a centralized hub for data storage, resulting in challenges when attempting to access critical information promptly.
  • Inability to Track Rotation Schedules: A structured system for monitoring rotation schedules is absent, causing difficulties in tracking and managing personnel rotations effectively.
The challenge
Creating the Right Information Architecture
We were given 100s of documents ranging from SOPs to phone contacts to policies. Our first task before anything was to categorize the data into the right buckets. Everything else would fall short if we couldn't get this done properly. We sat down with a team of NHS doctors and started going through all the data.
The initial solution was to divide all the material according to their department:
  • SpR Handbook
  • Clinical
  • Information
  • Admin
This solution made sense at first, but it presented another challenge. If a user wanted to access a single document, they would have to navigate through multiple steps to find it. We needed to find a more accessible approach. For this purpose, we started to divide all the documents into their types.
So we had some broad categories:
  • Directory
  • Forms
  • Tools
  • Templates
  • Policies.
With this new system in place, finding a specific document became a breeze. For example, if someone needed to access the Safety Plan, they could just go to the Tools section instead of having to navigate through the Handbook and the Admin sections.
The solution
MVP Mockups & Designs
We started by defining user stories, they helped us understand how to deliver our propositions while ensuring that the end product was tailored to meet the users' needs and outcomes.
From there, we began to craft the wireframes, mapping out the structure and layout of the platform. We knew that the design needed to be intuitive and user-friendly, so we conducted multiple rounds of usability testing sprints. These sprints not only helped us identify pain points and areas for improvement, but they also allowed us to incorporate the user's feedback into our design.
From there, we moved on to creating high-fidelity mockups which served as the basis for our UI design. Next came the UX designs where we considered every detail to create an intuitive and visually pleasing experience for our users.
The solution
Our Development Approach
Our team made a strategic decision to leverage Ionic for the development of the solution, rather than creating separate web and mobile-based applications. This approach enabled us to:
  • Leverage the power of web technologies and create a single codebase that could be deployed across multiple platforms.
  • Reduce development time.
The next thing do to was to formulate information and cloud architecture of the proposed solution, after which the team started development.
Menu items
Doctors using the app everyday
Categories of documents
The Tech Stack
Final result
Finding the Right Information became a breeze
A game-changing software, providing an intuitive and user-friendly platform to make the onboarding of trainee doctors easier.
The feedback we received from the NHS was overwhelmingly positive. They were thrilled with the results, and trainee doctors were finally able to navigate through the onboarding process with ease. We were proud to have played a part in empowering the NHS to provide better care for all UK residents.

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