case study

Empowering Education through a  custom LMS

Lms, Education, Management system
Brand Development, UX/UI design, Website
problem statement
Automate Processes
Arisbe’s manual processes were time-consuming, relying on spreadsheets and manual coordination for their educational programs.
Carte blanche’s mission

Streamlining Operations

We had the privilege of working with Arisbe, an NGO in the education sector. They came to us with a clear vision for their organization: to automate their processes. Our team was eager to take on this challenge and was determined to deliver results that exceeded Arisbe's expectations.

At Carte Blanche, we're proud to have made a positive impact on Arisbe's programs and to have played a part in revolutionizing their approach to education.

To streamline their manual processes.


Automated processes, freeing them from spreadsheets to manually coordinate and manage online and onsite educational programs; empowered them to make data-driven decisions; saving valuable time & resources so they can focus on what they do best: teach!

Identifying Pain Points
1 . Stuck in the spreadsheet nightmare to manage the logistics of educational activities
2 . Plagued by repetitive, tedious, and manual work.
3 . No central data repository
4 . Unusable & uninterpretable data
Discovered Pain Points
A lot of tedious, manual tasks for the clients
Provide a rich feature set while remaining within their budget
Facilitate better data-driven decision-making for our client
Deliverable Actions
Identifying steps that can be automated, thus saving time, money, and resources
Leveraging existing technologies and in-house features to minimise expenses
Conduct client interviews to gain insights on their processes
Researching for Solutions
We knew we had to think outside the box to create a solution that would truly work for them. So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work, exploring every possible avenue to find a way to make their dream a reality.
Open edX
Feature-rich and widely used
High implementation and deployment costs
Open Source LMS
Readily available
Not feature-rich enough; delivery methods don't meet needs
Custom solution
Tailored specifically to client's needs. Potential for future feature expansion
Longer development time
Our approach
A Custom LMS
We quickly realized that a cookie-cutter approach wasn't going to cut it. In the end, we were able to come up with a custom solution that not only met their specific requirements but also fit within their budget constraints.
Carte blanche’s mission

Streamlining Operations

We started by defining user stories, they helped us understand how to deliver our propositions while ensuring that the end product was tailored to meet the users' needs and outcomes.

From there, we began to craft the information architecture and wireframes, mapping out the structure and layout of the platform. We knew that the design needed to be intuitive and user-friendly, so we conducted multiple rounds of usability testing sprints. These sprints not only helped us identify pain points and areas for improvement, but they also allowed us to incorporate the user's feedback into our design.

From there, we moved on to creating high-fidelity mockups which served as the basis for our UI design. Next came the UX designs where we considered every detail to create an intuitive and visually pleasing experience for our users.

From an Excel nightmare to a Fully Automated System
Our team at work
Months of delivery
Feature Set
Email Automation
Donors Portal
Dashboard & Analytics
Admin Portal
Zoom Integration
Referral Module
Scholarship Portal
Automated Attendance
Automated Workshop Flow
Emails Module
Customisable Registration Form
The Tech Stack
Final Results
1 . Efficient processes: Decreases resource allocation
2 . Centralized data management: Easy to collaborate in real-time
3 . Automated workflows: Less error-prone
4 . Structured data:Better data-driven decisions
Presenting Arisbe’s LMS
The Journey continues
What’s next?
Our team is fully committed to ensuring that Arisbe remains at the forefront of innovation in their industry and that their online presence reflects their mission and values.

Let's start building a great product together!

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